
Coreys Pharmacy Studies

Notes of Pharmacy & Holistic Studies

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Alternative Medicine Notes


Tradition medicine is defined as medication prescribed by physicians. This includes doctor visits, possibly followed by radiographic examinations, laboratory test, or other tests to enable the physician to make a correct diagnosis.


Alternative medicine has been viewed as ineffective, ancient, and more closely related to superstition than “real” medicine.  Alternative medicine was grouped with ancient remedies such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. These controversial therapies included treatments such as hydrotherapy and crystal, spiritual, and magnetic healing.


Eastern medicine included treatments originating from Eastern Asia, parts of Arabia, India, Japan, and other Far East countries.


With the invention of the first microscope in the 1600s, scientist had new pathways to explore. This was the beginning of the Golden Age of Microbiology.


Some of the most powerful drugs have come from ancient herbal remedies or are derived from the plants used in those remedies.


Homeopathy was first practiced in the late 1700s when diseases were treated with herbals that caused symptoms of illness when given to healthy people. It is based on “like treating like” in disease vs. medication.


The World Health Organization is now estimated that alternative medicine is used by more than 70% of the world’s population. Consumers spend millions of dollars annually on alternative treatments.


The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine was formed in the early 1990’s. The NCCAM are to do research on alternative treatments, train individuals who are interested in learning techniques and provide the consumer with information on the various types of therapies available.


Non alternatives may include remedies such as biofeedback, message, and meditation.  Self-hypnosis has been clinically found to reduce surgical pain in patients.

Acupuncture has been used in hospitals to treat adolescent patients.


The Placebo Effect is an inert drug, meaning it comes contains no active ingredients.

This can be called the mind drug, with the belief that the drug will help the consumers’ situation. Double blind test are conducted in which both the patient and the treating physician are not told whether the patient’s bias cannot influence the findings and should give a clearer picture as to whether the drug is working or if positive results are due to the placebo effect.



Acupuncture is used for conditions such as chronic pain, depression, addiction, and other aliments. It is based on the Chinese belief that the body is made of energy channels. When these channels are blocked, sickness may result. The uses of needles at specific points throughout the body are thought to release these channels, bringing the body into harmony once again.


Acupressure uses pressure instead of needles. This pressure is applied by hand to the specific point to unblock the channels.


Chinese medicine has been a well-known art based on years of trial and error. The heart of Chinese medicine is the Yin Yang, which represent both male and female entities. It contends that although men and women are made form the same substances, their spirits are different. Female spirits are thought of as a darker color, which coincide with earth, whereas male spirits are lighter like the color of the sky.


Art Therapy- became popular in psychology in the 1960s.  It is a way for patients to express themselves, relieve anxiety, and begin on the road to recovery. It can be used for simple stress relief therapy, or as therapeutic treatment for persons suffering from life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer. It is specially use with children with autism or other psychological conditions. Other forms of Art Therapy include music, poetry, drama, and dance.


Ayurveda is based on the person knowing the spiritual self. Certain colors, sounds, clothing, and other environmental stimuli are taken into consideration.


Biofeedback has been around for 50 years and has been proven to be effective for treatment of stress, hypertension, and other conditions. It uses the patient’s mental ability to alter vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and even the gastrointestinal activity. Biofeedback is used as an alternative for medication for anxiety, low back pain, neuromuscular dysfunctions, tension headaches and other conditions. Biofeedback can be done at any time without supervision.


Chiropractic therapy is an orthopedic approach to treating pain resulting from manual misalignment of the bones.  It began in the 1800s. It is believe that certain changes in the skeletal structure interfere with the nervous system and other organ systems. Treatment can include hand-on adjustments of the spine or joints and application of message and heat therapy.









Crystal Healing is the belief that various stones and gems have the ability to heal certain illnesses.  It is the belief that Chakras is a type of force field found in a person aura. The Chakras are broken into seven different locations throughout the body.

Amethyst                    Purple              Relieve stomach problems

Green aventurine         Green              Cure Viruses

Blue aventurine           Blue                 Relieve Congestion

Green Fluorite             Green              Relive Menopause or PMS

Black onyx                  Black               Alter bad habits

It is believed that roundness or non-roundness of the stone influences its effectiveness.


The FDA does not regulate herbs because they are considered a nutritional supplement.


Taxonomy is the science of categorizing and naming new species. It is a Latin word.


Feverfew is used for many different ailments including fever, headaches, GI upset, arthritis, and asthma. It can be used topical and oral. Orally it can cause irritation of the mouth and tongue and a variety of GI upsets such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Garlic is from the family Amaryllidaceae. It can used to treat high blood pressure, colds, and flu. It can cause heart burn. Garlic should not be taken by diabetics because it may interact with ongoing medication therapy such as insulin or hypoglycemic agents. It also should not be used medicinally when taking anticoagulants because it may increase bleeding.




Aloe Vera- used to produce agents to treat minor burns, acne, and various skin irritations if taken internally, Aloe Vera works as a laxative and is also used for bleeding ulcers. Pregnant women should not use Aloe Vera internally.


Black Cohosh is used for hormone replacement. It can also be used an insect repellent.  It should be used for short periods of time.


Chamomile has more than 20,000 species. In topical form it is used for open ulcers, hemorrhoids, and other inflammation of the skin. Keep medications away from  eyes.  If taken internally it can cause emesis.

Chamomile has several interactions with anticoagulants, benzodiazepines, and central nervous system depressants.


Digoxin- Made for the plant foxglove. It helps the heart beat in slow yet strong beats and is used to treat many people who have congestive heart failure.


Quinine- is used for malaria


Psyllium- For high cholesterol and bowel regularity


Reserpine- Is used for high blood pressure.


Goldenseal- is used for headaches, allergies, and infections concurrently


Echinacea is also known as black Sampson, Sampson root, narrow leafed purple cone flower, and red sunflower.





ECHINACEA: a highly regarded blood purifier used in the treatment of diseases caused by impurities. Said to increase bodily resistance to infection by strengthening the immune system. The best reason to include Echinacea in your garden is for its singularly beautiful flower, with delicate pastel-purple petals radiating from the prominent red-orange corona, which continues to bloom from July to September.

MILK THISTLE: its glossy leaves are painted with veins of creamy white which, according to tradition, originated from the milk of the Virgin which once fell upon a plant. It is said to be a tonic herb for the liver. It was once cultivated in Europe as a stock vegetable. After trimming the leaves of their prickly edges, they can be steamed or sautéed.

BAIKAL SCULLCAP: A Chinese medicinal herb prescribed for fevers, colds, hypertension, insomnia, headaches, hepatitis, shingles, and other ailments. Many of its traditional uses are supported by clinical studies. Very showy blue flowers—ht. 15 inches.

YARROW : Yarrow is considered an all around natural remedy without equal. As one of the bitter herbs, it has the reputation as a general fortifier, which helps to build the body’s natural resistance. It improves digestion, circulation, and the functions of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. It is valuable for cuts and makes excellent lotions for cleansing and beautifying the skin. Yarrow tea is thought to regulate menstrual periods. It also lessens the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, since it is mildly sedative and an anti-inflammatory. It will grow just about anywhere. Its pink or white flowers make an attractive addition to an herb garden.

GERMAN CHAMOMILE: perfect for making the relaxing Chamomile tea. The most prolific producer of flowers. Its volatile oils are an anti-spasmodic, which can be used for treating indigestion and menstrual cramps. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-infectant useful for treating skin disorders. It soothes colic and calms a hyperactive or distressed child. The daisy like flowers of Chamomile look lovely in any garden.

ST. JOHNSWORT: an old remedy for insomnia, depression and bedwetting, now touted as a natural alternative to anti-depressant drugs. Recent clinical evidence suggests that the flowering tops are effective in controlling mood and mild depression. Liniment made with tops in vegetable oil is soothing and healing when rubbed on painful joints and muscles. Yellow flowers. St. Johnswort tea is useful for easing menstrual cramps. Cautions: St. Johnswort is rated unsafe by USFDA. Prolonged use may cause photosensitivity.

BURDOCK: roots of this common wild plant are said to have "blood purifying" properties. Useful for skin diseases, including eczema. Recent medical evidence supports folkloric use for tumors. One of four herbs in the Essiac anti-cancer formula. This plant also has culinary value. In many regions of Europe and America, it is used as a vegetable stock as it adds its own mild flavor to soups and salads. The leaves can be sauteed like spinach.

FEVERFEW: a medical survey in England indicates that one to four leaves of feverfew infused in a tea or eaten in a sandwich daily reduces the number and severity of migraine attacks in some sufferers. Leaves should be eaten fresh and raw, not more than three per day. It even has pleasant side effects including a sense of well being, lack of tension and relief from arthritis. In July, a single plant will bear as many as 25 delicate yellow and white flowers.

LEMON BALM: fresh leaves burst with lemon when squeezed. A truly delightful tea made from the dried leaves is said to stimulate the heart and calm the nerves. Fresh chopped leaves are interesting in salads, soups and stews. Proven effective against herpes.

VALERIAN: excellent sedative action. Widely used to allay pain, nervous unrest, migraine, and insomnia. Valerian should only be used as needed, and in the recommended dosage. Continued use can result in depression, and an overdose can lead to vomiting and dizziness.

CAYENNE PEPPER: red hot chilies two to 4 inches long and ½ inch in diameter. Used in Mexican, Indonesian and Italian dishes. Dried powder adds zest to your foods. Contains capsaicin, which acts as a restorative digestive tonic. Valuable home remedy with stimulant, blood pressure-regulating, digestive and anti-flatulent properties. Ground pods and a little soap in water is a useful insect repellent for the garden.

ASTRALAGUS: an important Chinese medicinal herb, used especially for its immune enhancing properties. Tonifies the spleen, especially in cases of fatigue. Boosts and tonifies chi. Cardio tonic; lowers blood pressure and blood sugar; improves circulation. It is said to have a beneficial effect on kidneys, liver, and endocrine system.

PARSLEY: This slightly peppery herb is commonly used as a flavoring or a garnish. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It is a wonderful addition to salads, soups and stews. Parsley goes in almost in any dish. It is said that infusions of parsley are good for bladder infections.

THYME: Aromatic low growing bush or creeping herbs, ideal for rockeries, borders, or along pathways. Pretty pink or purple blossoms are a favorite of honeybees. Culinary and medicinal value. Fresh Thyme has a pungent minty, light-lemon aroma and is widely used to flavor vegetables, soups, sauces and many other dishes. Thyme has been used to treat sore throats, coughs, and colds. It is an expectorant, diaphoretic, and antibiotic.

Cilantro or Coriander leaves are used widely in the cuisine of India, Mexico, the Orient and the Caribbean. For thousands of years it has been appreciated for its culinary and medicinal properties in South Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Add cilantro to your salsa to get an authentic flavor.

BASIL: Basil has a pungent flavor that some people say is a cross between licorice and cloves. It is a key ingredient in Mediterranean cooking, essential to such dishes as pesto, spaghetti sauce, pizza, etc. Basil’s Greek name, basileus, means king. Basil is used as a digestive aid and has a slight sedative action.

OREGANO: Oregano is related to marjoram and thyme but it is not as sweet as marjoram and has a stronger, more pungent flavor and aroma. Since it is pungent, be cautious with its use. Use in Mediterranean tomato based dishes and Mexican dishes. Use infusions of Oregano leaves to treat indigestion, coughs, headaches, and delayed periods. Oregano flowers in July with inch long shoots of tiny pink flowers.

CHIVES: Chives taste like sweet mild onions and suit just about any flavor. Mince and use as a garnish, or tie whole leaves around steamed carrots or asparagus. Use the flowers as a garnish or in salad and herb vinegar. Insects dislike it and so stay away from not only the chives but also other neighboring plants.

SAVORY: Savory has an aroma and flavor and is somewhat like a cross between thyme and mint. Savory adds a piquant flavor to many dishes—often called the bean herb because of the excellent addition it adds to peas, beans, or lentils. Also excellent in chilled vegetable juices. Summer Savory is said to be effective in treating diarrhea, upset stomach, and sore throat.

GARLIC CHIVES: This herb is similar to chives but tastes more like garlic. Put them in dishes where one might traditionally use garlic either fresh or cooked.

MUSTARD: sharp flavored leaves are excellent in salads and sandwiches or cooked. Harvest when young and tender. Repeat sowings for a continuous crop. Taken internally mustard stimulates the appetite and aids digestion. Young mustard greens are delicious stir-fried or steamed.

Fresh dill has a tendency to lose its fragrance during cooking so should be added to the dish towards the end of the cooking process. It is used to flavor many dishes. Dill dispels flatulence, settles the stomach, stimulates the appetite, and relieves colic. It is useful to nursing mothers as it encourages milk flow and relieves breast congestion.

SAGE: This herb is used for cooking but has also been considered as a medicinal herb.. Made into a tea it has excellent medicinal benefits. The tea is an effective mouthwash for combating mouth ulcers and gum infections. Sage helps dry up the milk flow and is useful in treating Ammenorrhea, and painful periods. Sage is wonderful in the kitchen or aromatic garden. It is a natural insect repellent but will attract bees.

SWEET MARJORAM: This herb can be used to flavor a variety of vegetables. It is best added toward the end of the cooking time. Try Marjoram tea for headaches. Use it as it a gargle to treat mouth ulcers. It is a diaphoretic, which can be used in the treatment of colds and flu.

ONION: Onion can be used just about any way imaginable, and in just about every cuisine. Onions contain smaller doses of the same compounds that make garlic an effective healing agent. Onions help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure and increase the production of HDL cholesterol, which helps the arteries.




Citrin (hydroxycitric acid), an all-natural plant extract, is a potent inhibitor of citrate lyase, an enzyme found primarily in the liver which is vital in regulating fat metabolism. Citrin acts as an appetite suppressor.

Choline, aids nerve transmission, regulates liver and gallbladder, and cell membrane structure. Inositol, helps transport and metabolize fatty acids and cholesterol, and is a component of lecithin and several enzymes.

Betaine HCL, is a gastric-juice component that is essential to proper digestion of food and absorption of most nutrients. L-Lysine is an essential amino acid used as a muscle-building nutrient.

Chromium allows the hormone insulin to control blood sugar level and many other aspects of carbohydrate breakdown and storage in the body, and also directs much of the metabolism involving fat, protein, and energy. Lipase is important because of its ability to hydrolyze triglycerides.

Pantothenic acid is essential for the metabolism of food and the synthesis of hormones and cholesterol.

L-Carnitine is found in the human brain and recent studies show that this nutrient is a premiere anti-aging compound. L-Tartrate, another fat-attacking amino acid, works with L-Carnitine to produce energy and metabolize fat.

Citrus Aurantium comes from oranges, characterized by the peace and happiness it brings to the mind and body. This nutrient also helps clear a dull and oily complexion, relieves mouth ulcers, aids weight reduction, and is used to combat fluid retention, colds, flu, constipation and dyspepsia. Guarana, a central nervous system stimulant, comes from South America and is used widely for its stimulating effect to increase alertness and fight fatigue. This ingredient is considered the least likely of all caffeine plants to cause anxiety.

Vitamin B6, assists in amino acid metabolism, aids in the maintenance of muscle, and plays an important part in the actions of steroid hormones. L-Tyosine is an amino acid that is essential for proper brain chemistry and the function of thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. It has shown positive results in controlling anxiety, and has been used to control appetite and fatigue.

L-Methionine is a sulfur containing essential amino acid that protects the cells from airborne pollutants, and slows down the aging process in the cells.

Ginger Root cleanses the colon, stimulates circulation, and reduces spasms and cramps.

Cayenne Pepper aids digestion. It also eases muscle pain, relieves cluster headaches, reduces arthritis pain, lowers cholesterol, fights shingles pain, prevents heart disease, and treats diabetic foot pain.

Dandelion Root is a mild herb laxative, especially effective in cases of chronic and age-related constipation.

Marshmallow Root is a natural herb that is effectively used to assist in stimulating and cleansing the kidneys and bladder. Alfalfa is one of the earth’s most nourishing foods because it’s roots reach deep into the earth to capture vital soil nutrients.

Parsley has been effectively used to relieve gas and stimulate digestion, and to increase urine output and rid the body of excess fluids. Corn silk is very beneficial in treating urinary tract infections and helps to pass urinary stones. It is a soothing diuretic for kidney and bladder problems.

Kelp is a significant source of iodine. Studies show that iodine stimulates the thyroid, boosting the body’s metabolism rate, allowing the body to burn calories more quickly. Peppermint has a relaxing effect on the digestive system muscles, combats flatulence, and stimulates bile and digestive juice flow.

Bladder wrack is also a natural source of iodine, it has been found to promote a healthy thyroid and stimulate blood circulation, and is used to treat obesity, goiter, and kidney dysfunction.

All of these natural ingredients are combined with the famous Polyfloramin™ to provide the finest weight loss system/dietary supplement available.


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